As we were swimming happily together –
the rest of the world in a haze all around us –
I spotted a jellyfish,
small, clear and graceful,
most insignificant,
and yet like a poison-carrier floating our way.

At first, I took no notice –
and the people around us kept turning into mist,
appearing only once or twice
to inform us of their existence.

It was so marvellous,
and I did not,
in our state of isolated beauty,
pay much attention to the jellyfish,
inching its way towards us,
closer and closer.

It was too late when it sucked up to you
and stuck to your skin;
but you did not notice,
you did not feel the pain.
Only I felt that stinging numbness,
making my whole body feel inactive.

You still did not notice,
and yet,
I did not care,
for I felt pleased at your ignorance.

That transparent, spongy, poison-carrier
could be glued to you for eternity,
for all I cared,
as long as you remained in darkness,
the pain was second nature to me.

Faces continued blurring
in and out of focus
adding reality to our dream.

Copyrights © 2020 Annia Lekka. All Rights Reserved

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